Hugh Hewitt: King Hack

I like "The Cowardly Lion" myself as a moniker, but Digby's characterization fits just as well. There is no such thing as the "center&q

I like "The Cowardly Lion" myself as a moniker, but Digby's characterization fits just as well. There is no such thing as the "center" with Hugh as much as he'd like you to believe. Please read the whole piece:

Hewitt stands apart, actually, as being even more craven and unprincipled than the rest. In that way he serves an important purpose for the right. His mere presence in the discourse serves to make people like John Podhoretz and Jonah Goldberg seem like paragons of rectitude by comparison.

People of the center or left who continue to help Hewitt pretend to be a credible person by appearing on his show can no longer be considered credible themselves. By encouraging Hewitt's blatant intellectual corruption they are irrevocably tainted by that intellectual corruption themselves.

David Neiwart then exposes how shallow his sort of hackery is..."Hewitt: A lying liar."

I have many posts about him on the site, but here's another example of his Stepford activities. This little piece of dialogue from Scarborough Country will illustrate that he is nothing more than a Republican propagandist and an elite member of the Cult of Bush.

SCARBOROUGH: Hugh, let me begin with you.

George Bush sounding kind of like the first George Bush, won‘t take tax increases off the table. What did you make of it?

HUGH HEWITT, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Joe, I am not as alarmed as you are.

And, in fact, if he made a good deal on Social Security that required a raising of the payroll tax amount, I would be OK with that. If there were private accounts established, if people could keep their money, raising the limit on the amount that was taxed would not bother me. I wouldn‘t view it as breach of faith with the American people.

I think your prediction of a dire consequence politically is just wrong. I think people want to fix Social Security for themselves and especially for the next generation. And they would pay to do so, Joe.

SCARBOROUGH: All right, Let me write this down. Hugh Hewitt, OK with tax increases.


SCARBOROUGH: I will remember this when there‘s a Democrat in the White House.

Let me go to you, Dennis Prager. You‘re another conservative. Are you ready to bow down to Emperor George and say it‘s OK for him to raise taxes on his serfs?

DENNIS PRAGER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, given the nightmare that his father went through, this is a little scary, I have to say.

I have such respect for Hugh Hewitt that perhaps what he says may come to fruition, because the president believes—and it‘s a really noble belief, because it goes against all political common sense—that we do have to fix something for the future. I mean, the irony is that progressives, people who call themselves progressive, have no plan.

I had people on my radio show from the left. They had to plan to fix Social Security. They only know how to attack the president on it.


PRAGER: Nevertheless, having said all that, I am worried about anything that says tax increase.

And just to clarify something because he said:

(Complaints from tiny lefty bloggers that I received a screener and others didn't ignore the fact that I requested it weeks ago and that I have an audience in the millions, not the tens.

C&L beats all of Townhall.com in traffic via Alexa.com which is his new stomping ground so I think it wouldn't be too much to ask to receive a copy from ABC.

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