Mike's Blog Round Up

democracy arsenal: Talking about Iraq Simply Left Behind: Here's to a pioneer. Brenda Berkman, one of the first women to join one the most celebrated

democracy arsenal: Talking about Iraq

Simply Left Behind: Here's to a pioneer. Brenda Berkman, one of the first women to join one the most celebrated—and macho—lifesaving organizations in the world: the New York City Fire Department.

Deacon’s Blog: We are no more than a doormat for his whims.

The Anonymous Liberal: John "Torture" Yoo makes the extraordinary claim that "the founders intended that wrongheaded or obsolete legislation and judicial decisions would be checked by presidential action." We're in the midst of one of the most degrading debates in the history of the nation.

Suburban Guerrilla: Feeling safer yet?

AGITPROP: Wingnut Roundup

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