Mike's Blog Round Up

The Heretik: Looks like the White House has won another "compromise'...but congress is powerless to absolve G-Dub of capital crimes and torture c

The Heretik: Looks like the White House has won another "compromise'...but congress is powerless to absolve G-Dub of capital crimes and torture charges...which didn't stop "The Great Fabricator" from going up to the UN and invoking the Universal Declaration of Human Rights even while flouting many of its core principles and piously posing as a follower of Jesus...

Martini Republic: Darth Cheney masters unintentional irony, while Lynne Cheney waves the bloody shirt of 9/11 at grade-schoolers for no reason -- other than scaring the bejazuz out of 'em.

The Brad Blog: We must call on congress to pass "Emergency Paper Ballot" legislation now!

State of the Day: Infinite spin...

KnoxViews: A flurry of mock Instapundit posting, many written by folks who actually know the myopic Ole' Perfesser...InstaSissies...InstaPeace... InstaMechanic...InstaJustice
...InstaGovernance....InstaResurgency, and more!

LA Observed: there's a big corporate struggle going on at the LA Times...where are the alleged "liberals" in this media drama?

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