Mike's Blog Round Up

Sic Semper Tyrannis 2006: In view of the current debate surrounding the use of torture in interrogation, it may be helpful, even educational, to defin

Sic Semper Tyrannis 2006: In view of the current debate surrounding the use of torture in interrogation, it may be helpful, even educational, to define what an interrogation is, and how it is properly carried out, as opposed to the disagreeable prospect of torturing information out of prisoners, a practice which would puke up America's record of promoting human rights...former CIA senior official, Milt Bearden on Interrogation...and Pat Lang on lessons from Vietnam in how to 'flip' an enemy. (h/t taters)

Mock, Paper, Scissors: Before and after the Brush-Clearin' Man's UN speech

Majikthise: Lieberman fundraiser ran the Abu Ghraib of drug rehabs...enough to gag a maggot (h/t Eric J.)

Donkephant: A useful catalog of the Home Team players of 9/11

Taylor Marsh: XM and Clear Channel radio hosts join a Murtha 'swiftboating ' event

Bob Geiger has the "not-so" Funnies

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