Waterboarding In! Frist On THIS WEEK

Bill Frist is now using the Republican trick of saying that he can't tell you what's in or not regarding torture because the enemy will then

Bill Frist is now using the Republican trick of saying that he can't tell you what's in or not regarding torture because the enemy will then train for it. If it has already been reported that we've used waterboarding before then aren't the terrorists already engaged in waterboarding school? He also didn't make much sense through the rest of the interview. Why does he bother going on with GS?

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George hit him with a little history about waterboarding. Frist probably never knew that we prosecuted the Japanese for waterboarding American soldiers and his answer reflects that simple mindedness,

Mike L: He's the Senate leader and he hasn't read the status report on Iraq? This really is hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. He refuses to give his opinion on whether or not waterboarding is torture because it might help the enemy. Like Jon Stewart says, we don't want them growing gills, right? This Republican Congress is really a disgrace. He even blames the Democrats for obstructing all critical legislation. These people really have no souls.

We are the nation that tortures now and that's a truly sad thing. Thank you Democrats and Republicans alike. Jane's disgusted and so am I.

And Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, praised Senators Warner, McCain and Graham as “standing up to the administration” and producing a bill that, “while it has a number of problems, is a substantial improvement over the language proposed by the administration.”

Problems? Are they serious? Frist weaseled his way around Stephanopoulos' questions and wouldn't even say if he thought waterboarding was torture. I expect that from "tears and sweat" Frist, but not from the Democrats.

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