Mike's Blog Round Up
Habeas corpus has been but a memory for quite some time and the murderers of Democracy are systematically destroying what it means to be American...bu
Habeas corpus has been but a memory for quite some time and the murderers of Democracy are systematically destroying what it means to be American...but put the responsibility where it belongs....and thanks again
CorrenteWire: According to whitehouse.gov. Bush was against torture before he was for it
Discourse.net: A company with a death wish...
HOLY CRAP: Orrin Hatch's song for Reverend Moon...House passes measure to chill establishment-clause lawsuits....With the Party of Dobson...is Bush's "just a comma" remark another coded message to the religious right?
Andrew Sullivan: I can't remember linking Sully before, but anytime a rightie comes to his senses, it's worth noting
World O' Crap: Malkin goes...er..Malkin