Mike's Blog Round Up
A LIBERAL DOSE: While we're at it, let's not forget the story of little Jeffy at the White House...and speaking of houses, could there be anyt
A LIBERAL DOSE: While we're at it, let's not forget the story of little Jeffy at the White House...and speaking of houses, could there be anything scarier than trick or treating at Mark Foley's house? The scandal is getting crazier by the minute. Luckily, Newt Gingrich has an explanation, while Sully professes confusion, and the NYT has trouble making distinctions.
King of Zembla: About that October surprise...
Facing South: Blackwater and Iraq's contracting outlaws
Welcome to Pottersville: Assclowns of the Week
Secrecy News: Congressional Research Service on Bush's use of signing statements
d r i f t g l a s s: Why I would watch monkeys reading Kleenex boxes...