Tony Perkins Trying To Turn Foley Into A Gay Issue

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council appeared on the Situation Room yesterday to talk about the Foley scandal. [media id=16270] - WMV [media

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council appeared on the Situation Room yesterday to talk about the Foley scandal.

Download - WMV Download -QT.

As emailer Paula points out:

One quote he said that attracked my attention was "...when you hold up tolerance and diversity, this is what you end up getting."

This quote also caught my attention when I read the press release by the FRC yesterday.

"We are all shocked by this spectacle of aberrant sexual behavior, but we shouldn't be. This is the end result of a society that rejects sexual restraints in the name of diversity. When a 16-year-old boy is not safe from sexual solicitation from an elected representative of the people, we should question the moral direction of our nation. If our children aren't safe in the halls of Congress, where are they safe? Maybe it's time to question: when is tolerance just an excuse for permissiveness?

Many on the right are starting to turn this into a gay issue. This is a gay issue. What is at issue here is the fact that a gay man in the United States of America can not be open about his sexuality in the year 2006. Having to hide his chosen life style is what causes someone to sink to the low and possibly criminal levels that Foley did. If Foley could have been openly gay and possibly even had a companion in life then we very well may not be having this discussion today. I have much more on this issue here.

(H/T Paula for the video)

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