Sean Hannity never fails to waddle in the mud like a pig looking for a few crumbs of muck to munch on. John Walsh, from America's Most Wanted appeared on H&C a few days ago. The topic was protecting children from on-line predators and Walsh was also there to share his thoughts about the Foley scandal because he worked with him on legislation for this very topic.. In the middle of the discussion, as Walsh was admitting that he felt betrayed by Foley--Hannity inserts recently outed, ex- Governor McGreevy's name in the conversation--playing his evil card--just to smear all gay men. To Walsh's credit, he didn't buy into Hannity's obvious stupidity and corrected him.
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Walsh obviously didn't think he should be included in a discussion about predators. Why did Hannity deem it necessary to include McGreevey? Because he's "The Gay!" Watch out for The Gay !!!We are talking about sex predators here Sean--not consensual sex with adults...