Mike's Blog Round Up
"Rolling Blunder" by Fred Kaplan is a couple years old but still the article to read on Clinton/Bush/North Korea. Also, see When North Korea
"Rolling Blunder" by Fred Kaplan is a couple years old but still the article to read on Clinton/Bush/North Korea. Also, see When North Korea Falls and Moon, North Korea & the Bushes
Early Warning: Bush promised a capability he couldn't deliver...go figure
ArmsControlWonk: So, like, why didn't it work?
Xark! Some people believe that women will go for anything if there's a cute kitty on it
MyDD: Republicans are not losing because of "mistakes"
the free radical report: the true test of religious faith...
Grab Bag: Twice as many deaths in Iraq since 2003 as killed by 23 years of Saddam.. ..Richard Pombo Lied to His Constituents...a Colorado Republican State Representative asks Mother of Dead Child if They Were Illegal Immigrants...Bush Wins Korean War...Gay Time Magazine reporter protected Foley's closet in 2003..