Karl Rove Forced Foley To Run

Karl Rove doesn't mind a sexual predator in his midst. Ryan Lizza: It seems increasingly clear that the GOP congressional leadership, eager for

Karl Rove doesn't mind a sexual predator in his midst.

Ryan Lizza:

It seems increasingly clear that the GOP congressional leadership, eager for every safe incumbent in the House to run for re-election, looked the other way as evidence accumulated that Mark Foley had a thing for pages. Holding onto his seat became more important than confronting him over his extracurricular activities.

But when Foley's friend saw the Congressman again this spring, something had changed. To the source's surprise, Foley told him he would indeed be standing for re-election. What happened? Karl Rove intervened.

According to the source, Foley said he was being pressured by "the White House and Rove gang," who insisted that Foley run. If he didn't, Foley was told, it might impact his lobbying career...read on

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