Norah O'Donnell Sells The GOP Line: Is She Kidding Me?

Don't worry about asking meaningful questions Norah, just go to the absurd. It doesn't matter if the Democrats want to talk about their agend

Don't worry about asking meaningful questions Norah, just go to the absurd. It doesn't matter if the Democrats want to talk about their agenda for a change.

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Norah: So Congresswoman, let me put you on record here because we see Bill Clinton talking about the politics of "Common Good" and the need for that to take place and you say the Democrats have a positive agenda---Can you promise then that when Democrats--if they retake the House of Representatives and Senate will not issue tens or hundreds of subpoenas to the White House when it comes to Katrina, Iraq and a number of other issues and essentially make the President's final two years in office a living hell if you will and mean that nothing gets done in Washington?

Thank you Noron, and I call you Noron when you act like one. The media just loved all those subpoenas for Bill Clinton. They lived for them and journalists that weren't trying to dig up dirt on Bill were shunned, but hey---the Democrats aren't worthy because they might provide a little oversight to a Rubber stamp House and Senate that never once held a hearing on Iraq.

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