Nancy Pelosi On 60 Minutes

"The Fear of Pelosi" is the right wing talking point to try and rally their base to GOTV. Bill O'Reilly did a hit piece on her with our

nancyPelosi-60M.jpg "The Fear of Pelosi" is the right wing talking point to try and rally their base to GOTV. Bill O'Reilly did a hit piece on her with our good pal Dick Morris. 60 Minutes profiled her last night.

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Stahl:, 'You've called your Republican colleagues "immoral" and "corrupt," and that they're running a criminal enterprise. I mean, you're one of the reasons we have to restore civility in the first place." Pelosi responds, "Well actually, when I called them those names, I was being gentle. There are much worse things I could've said about them."

CBS has the full story and transcript posted.

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