Jeff Suppan And The Cloning Excuse

We're all just trying to watch a baseball game tonight. He's entitled to his views, but cloning? Is he serious? Pro-life advocates in Missour

We're all just trying to watch a baseball game tonight. He's entitled to his views, but cloning? Is he serious?

Pro-life advocates in Missouri have prepared a response ad to one that actor Michael J. Fox has made in numerous states that contains misleading information about pro-life candidates and their views on stem cell research. The new ads feature St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Jeff Suppan and stars Jim Caviezel of "The Passion of Christ."

Fox recorded an ad that aired during the first game of the World Series and St. Louis-area voters were falsely told that pro-life Sen. Jim Talent, who is in one of the nation's closest Senate races, does not support stem cell research.

"Amendment 2 claims to ban human cloning, but in the 2000 words you won't read, it makes cloning a constitutional right," Suppan says in the ad.

Suppan will be pitching for the Cardinals tonight and the ad is slated to be shown during the World Series.

If I'm a St Louis fan I'm not happy about it...Here's the Youtube of the ad. Looks like the administrator is keeping all negative comments off of the page. I wonder if Joe Buck will broach this subject during The World Series game since Suppan is the starting pitcher tonight and the ad is running on their network. The Limbaugh/MJ FOX post I did sure has created quite a stir.

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