Bush Rallies Conservative Columnists
Bush is certainly lining up his propaganda arm of the media. If there is one thing about President Bush that is different in private from his public
Bush is certainly lining up his propaganda arm of the media.
If there is one thing about President Bush that is different in private from his public persona, it is probably intensity. Before big crowds he is folksy and self-deprecating. Before the hostile press, he is a bit wary. But in our setting -- a meeting with half a dozen conservative columnists in the Oval Office on Sept. 12 -- he was intense. The president called the meeting to let us know directly how he views the war on terror. Some of what he said was a reprise of his televised speech of the evening before -- that our struggle against the extremists is the ideological war of the 21st century, and that only two outcomes are possible, either we will be victorious or what the president calls the "Islamoradicals" will.
When Mona Charen says " the hostile press," what she means is a press that tries to get at the truth--occasionally. Has anyone heard the term "Islamoradicals" before?