What's Wrong With Matthews?

What's wrong with Matthews? I thought the show was called "Hardball." He's playing a whole speech by Bush as they longingly wait for

What's wrong with Matthews? I thought the show was called "Hardball." He's playing a whole speech by Bush as they longingly wait for another response from the White House about John Kerry's obvious gaffe. Talk about a PSA for the GOP. How quickly they forget about Bush's WMD joke at the Radio and Television Correspondents' dinner:

(Here's another video of it although the quality is bad)

At a black-tie dinner for Radio and Television Correspondents' Association on Wednesday, Bush poked fun at himself and his administration for among other things not finding weapons in Iraq.

At one point Bush showed a photo of himself looking for something out a window in the Oval Office. He said: "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere."

After a few more slides, there was a shot of Bush looking under furniture in the Oval Office. Bush said "Nope. No weapons over there." Then another picture of Bush searching in his office. He said "Maybe under here."

Let's put this in perspective: Kerry forgets a word in a speech and it's wall-to-wall coverage. Almost 3000 American soldiers and hundreds of thousand of Iraqis are dead now and King George joked about the major reason why all these people have died (at that time the casualities weren't as high)---which caused barely a whisper out of the media at the time. Is there anything wrong with this picture?

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