Mark Halperin's "Hugh Hewitt" Obssesion
I really had to laugh at this interview between Mark Halperin and Hugh Hewitt the other day. He's the political director at ABC and engaged in a w
I really had to laugh at this interview between Mark Halperin and Hugh Hewitt the other day. He's the political director at ABC and engaged in a whining email exchange trying to prove that he's not part of the "liberal" media to the likes of Hewitt. Now that's good fun. Usually a person with Halperin's job would know that the Cowardly Lion is one of the most biased and dishonest right wing talkies there is.
It makes no difference what Halperin does or says to Hewitt. NONE. He will ridicule Halperin no matter what. It's part of the conservative shtick, but what's so telling about this exchange is that Halperin actually thinks he'd be allowed into their club. Mark, please wake up. Wolf Blitzer was just treated the same way by Lynne Cheney and yet he expressed similar outage that the Lynnster would question his patriotism. As Greenwald says:
Isn't there something extremely unseemly about the political director of ABC News engaging in such an intense campaign to win the approval of one of the most blindly partisan, extremist Bush followers in the country?
As Ezra notes:
It is now a matter of public record, however, that Mark Halperin is writing with an eye towards Hugh Hewitt's approval. Everything he writes must be judged through that lens. Much of it must be discarded for that reason. He's no longer a journalist, can no longer protect his pretensions of intellectual independence. He's no longer, if he ever was, worth reading.
Is there any clearer indication why our media is so screwed up?