Dick Morris: Investigations Are A Comin'

Billmon: The Toe Sucker Gets It Dick Morris: The Democrats, for their part, will use their new House majority to plague the administration with inv

Billmon: The Toe Sucker Gets It

Dick Morris:

The Democrats, for their part, will use their new House majority to plague the administration with investigations. While the left would be appeased by investigations into why we invaded Iraq in the first place, it is financial scandals that will do the greatest damage to Bush and the Republicans.

Democratic committee chairmen will examine Halliburton contracts in Iraq, royalty deals for offshore oil drilling, defense procurement scandals, and resource leases in national forests and wilderness areas. They will examine the nexus between campaign contributions and favors from the trough of the executive branch.

The last two years of the Bush administration will most closely resemble the Clinton years, where scandal after scandal after scandal battered the president’s image and ratings. But, unlike the GOP assault on Clinton, the Democrats will stay on financial issues rather than stray into the personal. The results will be devastating for the Republicans and their prospects in 2008.

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