We're All Spaniards Now!

The warmongers' heads really are imploding---their words are turning more vile by the day. I give you Mark Steyn: [The "jihad crowd"] e

The warmongers' heads really are imploding---their words are turning more vile by the day. I give you Mark Steyn:

[The "jihad crowd"] employed a craftier strategy. Their view of America is roughly that of the British historian Niall Ferguson -- that the Great Satan is the first superpower with ADHD. They reasoned that if you could subject Americans to the drip-drip-drip of remorseless water torture in the deserts of Mesopotamia -- a couple of deaths here, a market bombing there, cars burning, smoke over the city on the evening news, day after day after day, and ratcheted up a notch or two for the weeks before the election -- you could grind down enough of the electorate and persuade them to vote like Spaniards, without even realizing it. And it worked.

Still, we are all Spaniards now. The incoming speaker says Iraq is not a war to be won but a problem to be solved. The incoming defense secretary belongs to a commission charged with doing just that. A nostalgic boomer columnist in the Boston Globe argues that honor requires the United States to "accept defeat," as it did in Vietnam. Didn't work out so swell for the natives, but to hell with them.

This war was immoral from the start. Thousands of innocent people are dead and this hero to wingnutland writes this garbage. If he knew anything about history, he would know that Iraq, outside of being an immoral endeavor was impossible from the start. Arthur found this piece and writes a counterpoint to Steyn's debasement of the Spanish.

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