Carville Goes After Dean

Apparently, Dean is the boogeyman... [media id=16678]-WMP [media id=16679] -QT Bay Buchanan agreed with Carville so I guess he's right. Dinner

Apparently, Dean is the boogeyman...

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Bay Buchanan agreed with Carville so I guess he's right. Dinner with Newt must have been grand.

Jane: "James Carville has spent the past six years happily sequesterd in the gimp closet, visited occasionally by Dick Cheney and the angular harpy he refers to as his wife, Mary Matalin. Now that the Democrats have retaken the House and the Senate, he is apparently allowed out on furlough for more than just occasionally servicing Tim Russert....read on"
Full transcript via CNN

BLITZER: ... over the past few days in going after the chairman of the


CARVILLE: That's right.

BLITZER: ... the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean. A lot of

people are saying, why is James Carville criticizing Howard Dean...


BLITZER: ... after this spectacular Democratic victory in the Senate

and the House?

CARVILLE: We had 14 candidates that, a 1 percent change in the vote,

they would have won.

BLITZER: In the House of Representatives.

CARVILLE: In the House of Representatives.

The DNC had a credit line of $10 million. They only drew down $4

million. That's $6 million. I campaigned with Lois Murphy in

Pennsylvania. I campaigned with Christine Jennings in Sarasota,

Florida. I campaigned with Tessa Hafen in Nevada.

And the DNC needs -- it is a cult of the DNC, not the candidates. I

think this party ought to be focused. It is the candidates whose hearts

are broken out there. It is the candidates and their families and their

staffs who have been let down, because we left -- we left them hanging

out there.

Rahm Emanuel and Chuck Schumer recruited these candidates, funded them,

lived with them, died with them. And, then, after this happened, and to

leave this money on the table, and they exercise this kind of timidity,

when we could have picked up another 10 seats, and, then, they come in

and they say, the state party chairmen agree with this.

This party, the highest person in the Democratic Party are these

candidates that go out and risk everything, who work their hearts out,

who try to get elected. And they deserve every bit of support,

financial and otherwise, that they can get. They got it from the

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They got it from the

Democratic Senatorial campaign Committee.

They did not get from it the DNC. And we need to have...

BLITZER: So, I want...

CARVILLE: ... the cult of the candidate.

BLITZER: I want Bay to weigh in.

But, basically, what I hear you saying is, you have lost confidence --

I don't know if you ever had much confidence -- in...


BLITZER: ... in Howard Dean.

But what do you want? Do you want him to step down? You want somebody

else to be chairman of the party?


CARVILLE: I want a change of culture. I -- of culture.

I want the change -- and, if it's him, if he stays, fine. I want him

to say, we are not going to be talking about parties and state chairmen.

We're going to talk about candidates. We're going to let these good

people know, when they come out and run under the Democratic line, that

we are going to do everything we can to fund them, to stand by them, to

honor them, and don't get -- to -- have the Alaska state party chair

tell me what a great job Howard Dean is doing.

I want these candidates to be funded. I -- my heart breaks for Tessa.

My heart breaks for Lois Murphy. My heart -- I hope Christine --

Christine, I'm pulling for you down there in Sarasota...


CARVILLE: ... because I know you won that.

BLITZER: A lot of our viewers are listening to this, Bay, and they're

saying, you know, the Democrats picked up 30 seats or so...


BLITZER: ... in the House of Representatives, but James Carville

thinks they should have picked up 40 seats, or maybe 45 seats. And

they're saying, he's getting a little greedy right now.

BUCHANAN: Listen, you tell me that any party that was winning that

kind of races, that many close races, left money on the table, I would

say they got -- James has a very good point. I mean, that's just basic

101. You throw everything at it when you got -- you're on a roll. The

nation -- here, this was a nationalized campaign. It was going against

Republicans. There was every reason to believe that a little bit of

money could have made a difference.

CARVILLE: Wolf, I don't know one political professional that disagrees

with me.

And I don't know anybody -- and the Republicans think there was 20

seats that we left on the table by not funding these races. And

Democrats out there need to know that Congressman Emanuel and Senator

Schumer, they borrowed to the hilt. They did get everything they needed.

And that's my point. We got to get out of this cult of state party

chairmen and get into this cult where candidates are central and what

this party is about.

CARVILLE: I had lunch with Speaker Gingrich today. And he's observing these things very carefully. He didn't say whether he was going to run…He didn't say whether he was going to explore. But let's say this. He's activity engaged. He's mentally engaged in restoring on -- in American politics. I had a delightful lunch with the speaker...

(sorry I updated a few things as I posted this piece)

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