LA Times Publisher: "Rumsfeld Was My Squash Partner"

I broke some news about David Hiller a few weeks ago. He was a lawyer from the Reagan administration and now magically---he's the publisher for th

I broke some news about David Hiller a few weeks ago. He was a lawyer from the Reagan administration and now magically---he's the publisher for the LA Times. Well, here you go:

Don had a deadly, hard overhand service that came off the front wall like a bullet, came straight to the back wall and dropped in the corner, safe from my racquet. I'm sure that serve is what tore Don's rotator cuff.

I think what struck me most was that Don never gave up on a point. His view was that every shot could be made, every game could be won, and he never surrendered until the last volley was played out. With me he was usually right.

Were these the qualities he brought to his job as secretary of Defense? I'm not sure, but I suspect that the rules he lived by were the same ones he played by, and I thought of them again as I watched the president announce Don's resignation.

Rummy is a great squash player---ergo---he's a great Secretary of Defense. This is supposed to be an opinion piece? Is this insane or what?

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