The Lying Liar: Dick Morris

On The Factor Thursday night, Morris called Jack Murtha an "ultra liberal." I'd like to know in what compartment of his Clinton hating

On The Factor Thursday night, Morris called Jack Murtha an "ultra liberal." I'd like to know in what compartment of his Clinton hating mind is stored that disinformation? Read this piece for a glimpse at your own peril. Anybody who's being honest knows that Jack Murtha is a Conservative Democrat. Check out his voting record. That was one of the questions that had many people uneasy if he did become Majority leader.

Morris knows this, but has to smear Murtha because he just can't help throwing some good old fashioned FOX NEWS propaganda O'Reilly's way. This is the type of coverage FOX will be providing the next two years. The memos are a flyin'

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