Rewarding Failure With New Labels
While the Hippie Brigade has been correct about the Iraq war---the radical warmongers are rewarded with a new label: "Centrists" Glenn Gree
While the Hippie Brigade has been correct about the Iraq war---the radical warmongers are rewarded with a new label: "Centrists"
Back in 2002, when the U.S. was debating whether to invade Iraq, those who opposed the invasion were, for that reason alone, dismissed as unserious morons and demonized as anti-American subversive hippies. Despite the fact that subsequent events have largely proven them to have been right, and that those who did the demonizing were the frivolous, unserious, know-nothing extremists, this narrative persists, so that -- even now, when most Americans have turned against this war -- the only way to avoid being an "extremist," and to be rewarded with the "centrist" mantle, is to support the continuation of this war in one form or on