Another Day In The St. McCain/Holy Joe War

f (via CNN's Newsroom) Let's go and see what one of biggest GOP propaganists living in the US of A, Brent Bozell has to say. BOZELL: Well,


(via CNN's Newsroom) Let's go and see what one of biggest GOP propaganists living in the US of A, Brent Bozell has to say.

BOZELL: Well, it does. It's entirely an editorial comment that Matt Lauer made today. It's in keeping with the policy of NBC News, however, which has been to do nothing but report the negative. Now, this guy was in Iraq -- now that I'm remembering this right now -- last year, where he went to interview the troops, trying over and over and over again to get them to tell him that there was a morale problem, and one by one told him that there wasn't a morale problem. This is an editorial comment, through and through. Look, he said that he consulted with a lot of people, and then he put on one general who agreed with him. He didn't put on all the generals, including probably 100 generals in the field in Iraq right now who would disagree with him.

Newshounds has more on Bozell

Brent Bozell and Sean Hannity were full of outrage that NBC News dared to call the problems in Iraq “a civil war.” Hannity sulked, “They’ve never given the American public the story about all the success in Iraq,” but somehow neglected to report any successes, himself – now or any time in the recent past...read on

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