I really loved " Ender's Game," by Orson Scott Card. It's a true Sci-Fi classic in my opinion, but now he has a new book called &qu
The Nitpicker: Card has written a new novel which predicts a terror attack against the U.S. that leads to a second American civil war. As Roy points out, Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds thinks Card is "right to warn people against too much division...read on
Roy: Card considers himself a political moderate, though (as we have shown here) he is the sort of moderate who believes that Democrats are evil wimps and that homosexuality should be punished with jail time. Again reserving judgement, it would seem Card's fantasy of treacherously-used liberals finally brought to heel by Red State wolverines reflects this highly unusual definition of political moderation...read on
Sadly, No!---chimes in on Glenn Reynolds take of the book and Ezra wonders how anyone could score chicks reading Card.