Colin Powell Takes On St. McCain's "Troop Surge"--"The Army Is Broken."
Colin Powell has a lot of problems with the McCain/Lieberman plan. Powell explains that the "last surge" we had was a complete failure, so
POWELL: Let’s be clear about something else, Bob, that gets a little confusing. There are really no additional troops. All we would be doing is keeping some of the troops who were there there longer and escalating or accelerating the arrival of other troops.
SCHIEFFER: Let me just ask you about that because… do we have the troops? You seem to be suggesting that we don’t.
POWELL: I’m suggesting that what general Shoemaker said the other day before a committee looking at the reserve and national guard, That the active army is about broken. General Shoemaker is absolutely right. All of my contacts within the army suggest that the army has a serious problem in the active force. (h/t Think Progress for the transcript)
The problem is that after this surge, they'll be another Biden shot and another Friedman and another surge and so on and so on...