Troops Oppose "Escalation"

I saw this on CNN yesterday and was making the video when I noticed that Kos has it broken down... The Military Times newspapers polled their readers

I saw this on CNN yesterday and was making the video when I noticed that Kos has it broken down...

The Military Times newspapers polled their readers -- active duty subscribers to their papers -- and found that (surprise!) they don't want to see the war escalated.

It has now been four days since the Military Times released its annual poll of active duty troops. The poll, which came out last Friday, contained some striking findings: It found that for the first time, more military personnel disapprove of President Bush's handling of the Iraq war than approve of it.

But there's a more important number in the poll. It also found that only 38 percent of the troops think there should be more troops in Iraq than there are now -- in other words, only 38 percent support an escalation. By contrast, 39 percent of respondents think there should be the same or less troops there.

Also in the poll:

  • Only 35 percent approve of Bush's handling of the war. 42 percent disapprove.
  • Only 41 percent think the US should've gone to war with Iraq in the first place, down from 65 percent in 2003.

Finally, there's this amazing bit:

In the three previous polls, nearly 60 percent of the respondents identi fied themselves as Republicans, which is about double the popula tion as a whole. But in this year’s poll, only 46 percent of the mili tary respondents said they were Republicans. However, there was not a big gain in those identifying themselves as Democrats — a figure that consistently hovers around 16 percent. The big gain came among people who said they were independents....read on

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