Glenn Beck, The Wanker King

See, Conservative whacks like him go on another show and behave themselves, but when they do their own---well they act like fools. Case in point. On

See, Conservative whacks like him go on another show and behave themselves, but when they do their own---well they act like fools. Case in point. On Paula Zahn, Glenn is like (Cartman voice)--dude---dude----it's just fear---dude---dude---we love Muslims...Religious freedom rules...

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GLENN: I don't think you accomplish anything. I think this Koran nonsense with Keith Ellison is just that. It's nonsense. It's a nonissue. It has everything to do with you not having to be of certain religion to serve your country, to be able to say I am a member of a different faith than you and us respect that, for you to be able to choose and put your hand on a Koran as opposed to a Bible is quintessentially America.

It is not an issue. The rest of it, being twisted and playing on people's fears, is quintessentially un-American.

However, when Beck had Rep. Ellison on his own show he said:

With that being said, you are a Democrat. You are saying, "Let's cut and run." And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, "Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies."

And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way.

One would think Paula should have known what Beck said prior to his appearance on her show. Please pass the Zombie brains...(h/t Joe for the video)

CNN has the full transcript

ZAHN: Let's talk about a milestone that's being reached tomorrow that's creating an awful lot of controversy. You've got the first Muslim ever elected to Congress, Keith Ellison, being sworn in, in a ceremonial swearing in with a Koran, a Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson.

Ellison said today, "Jefferson's Koran dates religious tolerance to the founders of our country," but there are critics out there that say that this is ridiculous. He should be sworn in on a Bible.

GLENN: First of all, it is ridiculous the critics. He's not being sworn in on anything. You do not put your hand on anything. This is a photo op. It happens with all of them. People have been sworn in with the Torah. John Quincy Adams was sworn in on a law book. It's your choice and it is the quintessential freedom of religion to be able to use whatever book you choose.

ZAHN: The biggest critic of Ellison is a representative who's name is Virgil Goode and he says unless you tighten up immigration now, more and more Muslims are going to come into this country and do the same thing.

GLENN: Oh, no! Oh, no!

ZAHN: Is this about religion or fear?

GLENN: This is clearly about fear. First of all, more and more people like Ellison will come in. Oh no! His family has been here since 1742. This is not about immigration. It's about freedom of religion. Now, if I would say, gee, you'd better tighten things up, otherwise more Jews would come in, I would be called an anti-semite. How is this not about fear?

ZAHN: But the fact is, Representative Goode is not alone in his thinking. We found a poll that dates back to 2006 and it basically says nearly four out of 10 Americans say they do feel some kind of prejudice against Muslims. So while religious freedom is all well and good, the reality is that almost half of our population shares this kind of bias.

GLENN: Sure. There are reasons to fear people coming in and immigrating and not assimilating. That's what's happening with the Muslim community in Europe. They're not becoming Europeans. If you want to come here and assimilate, and be a Muslim, God bless you.

ZAHN: All right, so are you OK with the fact this Gallup poll also discovered that 31 percent of Americans say they would be nervous they noticed a Muslim man on their flight.

GLENN: No, I wouldn't be nervous if I noticed a Muslim man on my flight. What that poll says is not justified. If you see a Muslim on a flight and you would be afraid because you see a Muslim, that's a problem.

If you see somebody who is doing something, maybe a Muslim, may not be a Muslim, but is demonstrating different things that have been done that make you suspicious beyond being a Muslim, then you should -- then that fear is justified. You should pay attention to that.

ZAHN: You should pay attention to it. You also believe that we got caught up in a bunch of political correctness and people are too afraid to express those fears. So what do you accomplish by people using all kinds of racial slurs and being very public about their intolerance, whether you feel it's justified or not?

GLENN: I don't think you accomplish anything. I think this Koran nonsense with Keith Ellison is just that. It's nonsense. It's a nonissue. It has everything to do with you not having to be of certain religion to serve your country, to be able to say I am a member of a different faith than you and us respect that, for you to be able to choose and put your hand on a Koran as opposed to a Bible is quintessentially America.

It is not an issue. The rest of it, being twisted and playing on people's fears, is quintessentially un-American.

ZAHN: We've got to leave it there tonight. Glenn Beck, always good to see you.

GLENN: Thank you, Paula.

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