Bill O'Reilly's Obsession With NBC Continues...

Andrea Mitchell was a guest on The Factor and was grilled by the falafel King because he's mad at Keith Olbermann. That's it in a nutshell an

Andrea Mitchell was a guest on The Factor and was grilled by the falafel King because he's mad at Keith Olbermann. That's it in a nutshell and since O'Reilly won't mention Olbermann's name or go after him like he does all the evil, American hating print journalists---he just smears the whole network. Hey, I have documented many problems with NBC and Mitchell, but they are not a liberal front group. (I won't even bring up Andrea's marriage to Alan Greenspan.)

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There are a number of problems with O'Reilly's arguments. First of all, he claims there are no Conservative thinkers at NBC. Wrong. How about a few hosts named Tucker and Scarborough? I have no idea why Mitchell just didn't tell Bill that right off the top. Secondly, he calls Chris Matthews a liberal because he worked for Tip O'Neil. I think Mitchell could have brought up Billy's boss---Roger Ailes:

Ailes carried out Republican political consulting for many candidates during the 1970s and 1980s, but returned to presidential campaigning as a consultant to Ronald Reagan in 1984. He is widely credited with having coached Reagan to victory in the second presidential debate with Walter Mondale after Reagan had disappointed his partisans with what some call a lackluster effort in the first debate. In 1984, Ailes won an Emmy Award as executive producer and director of a television special, Television and the Presidency. In 1988 Ailes was credited (along with Lee Atwater) with guiding George H. W. Bush to a come-from-behind [1] victory over Michael Dukakis.

In Craig Crawford's very good book called "Attack the Messenger," he highlighted a famous TV moment between Dan Rather and Bush #41 that was completely staged by Ailes. Using Bill's own criteria---he proves FOX NEWS is a Conservative operation. Thanks Bill.

Inside Cable News digs deeper into O'Reilly's spin and points out the obvious.

One final thing about NBC News. The Center for Media and Public Affairs study concluded that network favored John Kerry more than any other network in the 2004 election.

(If it was this study which does say that the gap between favorable towards Kerry than towards Bush was greatest at NBC, O’Reilly neglected to mention that the same study concluded that FNC was far more negative towards Kerry than Bush. But O’Reilly didn’t specify which study so we don’t know for sure. And I did look for other studies.)read the full post.

I was happy to see Bill use the Tom Brokaw clip that C&L and TP posted earlier in the week, but of course he distorts it. The Saddam hanging was another horrible chapter in the Iraq war and he knows it.

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