The "Surge Protectors"
(Warning: Cringe factor is on High Alert from this video clip.) Holy Joe and St. McCain talk about their love for Bush's escalation plans. Lieber
Lieberman:...that there be some kind of attempt to resolve this pivotal moment with a compromise among factions in American politics and in the American Congress rather than doing what is right and has the highest prospect of succeeding in Iraq---in other words this moment cries out for the kind of courageous leadership that does what can succeed and win in Iraq---not what will command the largest number of political supporters in Congress....we need to support the President as he goes forward, hopefully with exactly that kind of new initiative in Iraq.
There is a lot of disagreement among all parties involved. Lieberman forgets that many in the military are against the McCain doctrine including Gen. John Abizaid. This isn't about scoring political points.
My Left Nutmeg tries to wake the media up from their Mass Amnesia on Lieberman during the election:
LIEBERMAN: Well, Tom and Joanne, Ned has got me confused again. But I'll tell you one thing he is wrong about. The situation in Iraq is a lot better, different than it was a year ago....
So I am confident that the situation is improving enough on the ground that by the end of this year, we will begin to draw down significant numbers of American troops, and by the end of the next year more than half of the troops who are there now will be home.
(h/t Atrios) Rolling Stone:
Ahem. I believe, senator, that the “worst that could happen” is that a significant number of the 20,000-30,000 troops we send to police the hornets’ nest of Baghdad could come home in body on