Chuck Hagel Smacks Lieberman: Questions His Competency

Chuck Hagel plastered Holy Joe on Meet the Press this morning and it's about time somebody called him on his garbage. Lieberman got on his soapbo

Chuck Hagel plastered Holy Joe on Meet the Press this morning and it's about time somebody called him on his garbage. Lieberman got on his soapbox and tried to tell us that Bush's implementation of the McCain Doctrine is our only hope in Iraq and then throws his grand children into the ring. He's even more offensive today than usual if that's possible because he uses the 9/11 attacks and says we're fighting the same enemy in Iraq that attacked our country. He knows that's a right wing talking point that's just not true---yet he'll try to scare people anyway, Shame on you!

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Hagel: I am not nor any member of Congress that I'm aware of Tim, is advocating defeat, that's ridiculous and I'm offended that any responsible member of Congress or anyone else would even suggest such a thing...Sen. Lieberman talks about his children and grandchildren, we all have children and grandchildren---he doesn't have a market on that nor do any of my colleagues. We're all concerned about the future of this country...

Lieberman jumps on the Iran bandwagon that Bush threw out last week and is setting up support for an American attack on them. It seems to be just a matter of time and many of us have been speaking out against it. Congress needs to push back--hard on it. Hagel calls into question Joe's competency (yea) as well he should. When is Lieberman going to look into the Katrina nightmare again?

CTblogger sent the video and is happy that Hagel slapped him like a little...

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