C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Michael Brecker R.I.P.

I heard the sad news that the saxophone giant, Michael Brecker had died of cancer. Nicole dedicated a CLLN Music Club post to him on Saturday, but I w

I heard the sad news that the saxophone giant, Michael Brecker had died of cancer. Nicole dedicated a CLLN Music Club post to him on Saturday, but I wanted to share my feelings.

I have a heavy heart with this news. He was one of my all-time heroes and influenced my playing and many other saxophonists in so many ways. I started the CLLN Music Club for a variety of reasons, but I never thought it would give me the opportunity to share that admiration directly with Michael.

On May 31, 2006, I posted a clip of his miraculous playing and that's when I found out that he had cancer. To my surprise, he emailed me almost immediately:

Dear John,

Thanks for the video and kind words on C&L.
I really appreciate it-and it helps me in my current physical state.
I'm getting a bit stronger every day...and even playing a bit in my basement.

I'm also greatly enjoying C&L!!
Keep up the great work and thanks again,

From your fan,
Michael Brecker

We kept in contact for several months afterwards. All my best to your family, Michael. Your music will live on and keep your spirit alive in our hearts.

I tried playing the EWI, but gave up and experimented with Yamaha's version for a while.. (h/t David for the vid)

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