Jane Hamsher Update

I talked to Jane three times on the phone Friday and today. She sounds unbelievably strong after such an intense procedure. It looks like she'll

cancer.jpg I talked to Jane three times on the phone Friday and today. She sounds unbelievably strong after such an intense procedure. It looks like she'll be out of the hospital by Monday if all goes well. Thanks so much for all your support---it has really helped and meant a lot to her. I received a couple of emails from two right wing bloggers wishing her well also...Digby spent like 16 hours at the hospital on Thursday...

Update: from the comment by "Renee in Ohio" Light a candle for Jane

A reader of C&L and FDL---who worked on Buffy TVS, saw our reference to the show and is bringing us a poster from Season 6. That is really kind of him...

I talked to Matt Stoller and Howie Klein for a moment who are at the hospital just now. Let's keep her in our prayers and in our hearts.


Jane will likely remain in the ICU at least another day or two for recovery, so her visitation and calling will be limited. Since folks have been asking about that, I thought I would pass it along — and I am trying to subtly hint here that Jane needs her rest...read on

Arianna Huffington:

I've just gotten back from visiting Jane Hamsher in the ICU unit at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica. For those of you that don't know, Jane has been diagnosed with breast cancer -- her third go-around with it -- and underwent 8 hours of surgery yesterday.---

Knowing Jane, she'll be there -- in a low-cut dress -- ready for bear. And for Dick Cheney. According to Jane's close friend Tom Swan, when Jane was being wheeled into surgery, in her anesthetized twilight state, she muttered to the doctors: "I have to be back in DC in two weeks to watch Dick Cheney sweat on the stand." Good thing Jane's surgeon, Armando Giuliano, is not among the deluded few who still approve of the VP.

Jane, we love you, we miss your voice online, and can't wait to read your Libby takes

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