Kristol Tells Congress To STFU

"William the Bloody" Kristol says that Congress is irresponsible and should keep quiet for 6-9 months to honor the President's decision

"William the Bloody" Kristol says that Congress is irresponsible and should keep quiet for 6-9 months to honor the President's decision.

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One of the warmonger elites doesn't like opposition apparently. It'll be another 6-9 months after that, then another and another. As Lieberman says, Let's hope it works, pray it works, and if it doesn't, then we'll figure out what we're gonna do then."

Think Progress has the transcript:

KRISTOL: They’re playing — they’re leap-frogging each other in the degrees of irresponsibility they’re willing to advocate. And I really think people are being too sort of complacent and forgiving almost of the Democrats. ‘Oh, it’s politics, of course. One of them has a non-binding resolution. The other has a cap.’ It’s all totally irresponsible. It’s just unbelievable. The president is sending over a new commander, he’s sending over troops, and the Democratic Congress, in a pseudo-binding way or non-binding way, is saying, ‘It won’t work. Forget it. You troops, you’re going over there in a pointless mission. Iraqis who might side with us, forget it, we’re going to pull the plug.’ It’s so irresponsible that they can’t be quiet for six or nine months and say the president has made a decision, we’re not going to change that decision, we’re not going to cut off funds and insist on the troops coming back, so let’s give it a chance to work. You really wonder, do they want it to work or not? I really wonder that. I hate to say this about the Democrats. They’re people I know personally and I respect some of them. Do they want it to succeed or not?

WILLIAMS: If you think — do you think reinforcements will make some radical change? No. I think what people are saying is, it’s time to redeploy, look at new strategies, look at political compromise. That’s what’s not being done by this administration.

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