How Quickly They Forget

When Clinton was the President, the Republicans had a very different take on presidential powers than they do now. Greenwald: John McCain's stir

When Clinton was the President, the Republicans had a very different take on presidential powers than they do now.

Greenwald: John McCain's stirring pro-withdrawal Senate speech about why it was urgent that the Senate force Clinton to leave Somalia is particularly interesting in light of all of his completely contrary claims today about Iraq: <snippet>

We suffered a terrible tragedy in Beirut, Mr. President; 240 young marines lost their lives, but we got out. Now is the time for us to get out of Somalia as rapidly and as promptly and as safely as possible.

I, along with many others, will have an amendment that says exactly that. It does not give any date certain. It does not say anything about any other missions that the United States may need or feels it needs to carry out. It will say that we should get out as rapidly and orderly as possible...read on

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