William The Bloody Kristol's Latest
I hate to tarnish one of my favorite Buffy characters (Spike) this way, but I think the nickname fits the man who believes a little ethnic cleansing
My esteemed colleague William Kristol, whose latest column appears on the next page, easily won the crowd with his argument favoring Bush's New Way Forward in Iraq, though not without a few bumps...
Arthur Silber doesn't share that view:
Kristol established long ago that no mountain of facts, and no mound of corpses no matter how large, will ever alter his opinions.---According to Kristol, this "shambolic outcome" has not yet occurred. One can only marvel that a person can continue to be a prominent commentator on foreign policy, when it is entirely obvious that not a single fact has penetrated the disease-infested collection of malfunctioning cells that passes for his brain in at least four years. Impressive. Gotta get me some of that work....read on