Tim Ryan On Republican Incompetence

He's one of the best speakers in the House.... [media id=349] [media id=350] Mr. Speaker, it is entirely possible and welcomed under

He's one of the best speakers in the House....
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Mr. Speaker, it is entirely possible and welcomed under the constitution of the United States to have disagreements about how we need to handle troop deployments, how we need to handle our situation in different wars and it is not to be said that because one party or one group of people have a different philosophy and a different strategy that somehow they are not supporting the troops.
Now, your party and your President, the Republican party, Mr. Speaker, and the Republican President are the ones who sent our kids to battle without armor, without body armor. It took Jack Murtha months to uncover it and then to finally get it paid for and distributed. It was the Republican party, Mr. Speaker, who sent kids into battle without up armored humvees. Nobody questioned the Republican party's patriotism. Nobody asked them if they supported the troops. We called you incompetent. We said you were incapable and derelict of your duty, you should have provided oversight. Enough of the unpatriotic business. I yield back the balance of my time.
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