Countdown: Shameful Treatment Of The Troops At Walter Reed

It's an abomination that the horrendous treatment of our wounded veterans has gone on without notice for so long. Of course, the injured troops h

ko-woundedvets.jpg It's an abomination that the horrendous treatment of our wounded veterans has gone on without notice for so long. Of course, the injured troops have been dealing with it for some time now....

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Dana Priest does a three minute summation of her column which broke the sad news that our wounded live in a rat and roach infested facility. The word is that once again the people in charge didn't plan for the amount of injured troops and can't handle it. Jon Soltz of up with Keith and discusses the issue. It's time for some real leadership to get help to the troops. And some real leadership means the readers of C&L. I'm finding out how we can help...I'll keep you posted...

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