Glenn Beck's Got A Camera...
Dina Sansing from US Weekly was stunned into silence when Glenn Beck hinted that he'd like to take some "nude photos" of her during the
BECK: Dina, let me tell you something. I don`t think you have to be famous. I think you just work in the average environment in America now, somebody would get a picture of you, and then it would be posted all around, and it will happen in your office.
SANSING: Possibly.
BECK: You don`t think so?
SANSING: Well, it depends. You know, it depends...
BECK: Dina, I`ve got some time and a camera. Why don`t you stop by? No? OK.
Her silence and glare tells the story. She was a trooper and bounced back into the segment. but Beck's a major league jackass...