
The right wing nutosphere is world renowned for playing the victim card, but today they reached new heights in wankerville. They are calling Mike Star

The right wing nutosphere is world renowned for playing the victim card, but today they reached new heights in wankerville. They are calling Mike Stark a stalker because he went to the CPAC convention and took a photo with Michelle Malkin...And Malkin was so terrified that she immediately blogged about it...here...I mean here...I mean...Oh wait, nothing...It took Charles Johhnson, hiding in his spider hole to post Mike's picture and label him a stalker. He asks: "not a single lefty blog has condemned the creepy stalking behavior of Mike Stark.." Ummm, I met a host of right and left wing bloggers at the CNN election night party---nobody screamed "Stalkers!" and we all had a really nice time.

I guess he's trying to deflect some of the attention that Coulter got for her "faggot" remarks. Allahpundit was also equally flabbergasted:

I was eating dinner when Charles sent me the link to his post, and when I saw the picture I literally dropped the fork and scrambled to the phone to call MM’s husband. My hands were still shaking 15 minutes later. I know some people will read that and think I’m exaggerating to claim the mantle of victim hood on her behalf, but I swear to you I’m not...

Are his hands still shaking? Exactly what did Mike do---Charlie? Howard Kurtz will probably issue a press release stating that is was "an utter travesty that CPAC allowed Mike Stark into the convention." I'm waiting for the conservative "no convention list" to be published...Gavin has more...

Update: Mike emailed and said that he questioned her about the lack of recruiters at CPAC. He'll probably blog more about it later...

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