I Was Waiting For This: Hume Says Plame Lied Under Oath

After repeatedly disputing her status as a covert operative, Hume calls into question her testimony under oath when Valerie said she was a covert age

After repeatedly disputing her status as a covert operative, Hume calls into question her testimony under oath when Valerie said she was a covert agent. I guess Hume now must ask for the investigation of Gen. Hayden since he also classified her as covert. Will the other slime balls from the NRO crawl out of their rocks and start banging this drum? Andy calls her a "desk jockey." When has Mr. 101st keyboard Kommando risked his life overseas with no cover for this country? (email them here)

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HUME: And the other thing that needs to be noted here is when she says that she had nothing to do with getting her husband the trip, that flies in the face of the evidence adduced by the Senate Intelligence Committee whose findings were released not on a partisan basis — the bipartisan findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which was that she very much did have something to do with it, that she recommended him and that she put it in a memo.

WALLACE: So she was lying under oath?

HUME: I think that there is reason to question her credibility on that point. (h/t TP for the transcript)

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