Rumsfeldgate At The LA Times
I believe I was the first person to tell you that once Hiller was hired on to the LA Times--it would be a mess because of his Republican ties....Bill
...It's now Rumsfeldgate at the Los Angeles Times. I'm told that Donald Rumsfeld was asked to guest-edit the newspaper's "Current" opinion section which appears on Sundays. The ex-Defense Secretary is a long-time personal and professional friend of LA Times publisher David Hiller, who supervises the paper's editorial, Op-Ed and opinion pages. Rumsfeld also has strong ties to the LA Times' parent company since he was a member of Tribune Co.'s board of directors for on
When will Karl Rove be asked to be guest editor?
UPDATE: (Nicole) This isn't the first time the LA Times has used guest editors. On Reliable Sources today, (transcripts here):
KURTZ: A Hollywood producer guest-editing the "L.A. Times" Sunday opinion section, that was the plan hatched by editorial page editor Andres Martinez. He handed the reins to Oscar winner Brian Grazer. But publisher David Hiller wounded up -- wound up killing the special section, prompting Martinez to (r)esign. The reason? Martinez is dating a P.R. woman who works for Brian Grazer.
Joining us now by phone is Vernon Loeb, who recently quit as investigations editor of the "Los Angeles Times".
Vernon, Andres Martinez says this whole controversy is overblown, but are you troubled by him bringing in Brian Grazer as a guest editor while dating his publicist?
VERNON LOEB, FMR. "L.A. TIMES" REPORTER: Yes, I think there was a pretty obvious appearance problem here, and I think David Hiller, the publisher, and Jim O'Shea, the editor, did the right thing, obviously.
More at E&P. So, because Martinez was dating an employee of a (*gasp*) Hollywood liberal, that had the appearance of impropriety, and necessitated the scrapping of the entire issue. But it was okay for Hiller to ask his buddy, Don Rumsfeld, a far more direct association? Am I missing something? When in doubt, it's clear that IOKIYAR is the rule for these bozos.