Ann Althouse Loses It...
An instant classic...She attacks Jessica Valenti about taking a picture with a group of bloggers at a Bill Clinton luncheon some time ago and then fl
Althouse: I know you know some of the people who are especially nasty to me----I don't accept your..WAIT a minute...WAIT a minute. I DON"T accept your saying that Jessica Valenti breast controversy. I consider that an know..I, I'm on the verge of hanging up with you, for, for bringing it up that was nasty and character assassinating to talk about it that way...
Narcissistic much? Michael Berube has more...Lefarkins transcribes another interesting tidbit ...Orcinus transcribes the whole painful exchange
Update: TRex goes into the original story and it ain't pretty for Ann...
But maybe this is why the Right Wingers like you. You have perfected one of their favorite maneuvers, the Reverse Malkin, which is where you launch a vicious, factually challenged, hate-filled personal attack against someone and then when they push back, you stand to the side and screech, "Wait! I'm the victim, here! on
(H/t BloggingheadsTV)