"I Don't Remember" Doan Vs Rep. Braley

Duncan caught this....This is hilariously sad... [media id=781] [media id=782] Nitpicker: Doan "totally paranoid": Listening into t

Duncan caught this....This is hilariously sad...
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Nitpicker: Doan "totally paranoid":

Listening into the live webcast of the GSA hearings just now, the camera was down, but the audio was still up and you could here GSA Administrator Lurita Doan griping about the investigation and telling one of her people to take her glass, cause she doesn't want "them to have my fingerprints. They've got me totally paranoid!"
Doan was on CREW's Most Corrupt Admin list

Down with Tyranny has Rove's slide show: "Another slide shows which seats Rove feels the Democrats are most likely to take in 2008 and he was asking the GSA to help him defend those incumbents...read on"

Christy is liveblogging the hearing...
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