The Crier Wire: If George Were King!
Catherine Crier has some really good monologues at the end of her show and this was one of them. She takes a look at Bush's abuse of power [medi
Crier: In the last six years this President has assumed more power than any President in history...
Crier: How about the other matters in the King's court...Former WH counsel Harriet Miers would now be a Supreme Court justice. Michael Brown would still be head of FEMA because as you know he did a " heckofajob." Donald RUmsfeld would still be Secretary of Defense because of his marvelous handling of the Iraq war. And former gay prostittute Jeff Gannon, a mysterious member of the WH press corp. might now be sitting in Helen Thomas's seat....
She uses some really good video clips of Bush to make her point---and that includes the press...She covers the Attorney scandal and goofs on Rove.