Will Instapundit Update His Post?

Many right wingers jumped on Drudge's post that Michael Ware heckled John McCain at his presser to you know---paint him as an activist reporter th

Many right wingers jumped on Drudge's post that Michael Ware heckled John McCain at his presser to you know---paint him as an activist reporter that is lying about his war coverage. Atrios posts:

Matt Drudge Rules His World

Instapundit versus reality.

Reynolds quotes John Tabin to emphasis Drudge's erroneous accusations:

Heckling at a press conference is very rude, and wouldn't be acceptable even from an opinion journalist (I wouldn't dream of laughing in Nancy Pelosi's face during a press conference). That said, isn't it better when guys like Ware let their biases hang out, rather than embedding them in reports that are ostensibly objective?" Wouldn't it be better still if they just did an honest job of doing, you know, their jobs

Michael Ware denied the claims vehemently....Unfortunately for the Eggman's followers, Raw Story has the presser and Ware does no such thing. Now Tabin updates his post simply saying: "Drudge's report is apparently erroneous"

Will Glenn Reynolds apologize to Ware? And will Mike Allen change his tune? And will Drudge apologize since he pulled the story off his front page?

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