Graham Using Bombing As An Excuse...McCain Used Democratic Opposition To Pressure Iraqi Leader...

Lindsey Graham wants it both ways. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Graham why there has been no progress on the political side in Iraq. After

Lindsey Graham wants it both ways. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Graham why there has been no progress on the political side in Iraq. After telling us that bombers won't stop us there, Graham tried to use the bombing of the Iraqi parliament as an excuse to say nothing is getting done...

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Graham: On the oil from the counsel of ministers have passed an oil agreement that needs to be ratified by the parliament...

Wallace: But it's been sitting in the parliament for weeks now, Senator.

Graham: Well, the parliament got bombed yesterday---it's pretty hard...

Wallace: Wait a minute, it's been sitting there for weeks before the parliament got bombed...

Oops. Little thing called facts getting in the way? No matter, just fall back on the talking point of blaming it on Democrats, because you know, asking for timelines only embolden the enemy, right? Only problem for Graham is that Carl Levin was also on and pointed out that Graham (along with Saint McCain, the person most vested in this unwinnable quagmire other than GWB) had no problem invoking the Democrats' suggested timeline to pressure the Iraqi government to step up to the plate and handle their own security. Watch Graham tap dance around that rampant hypocrisy. Think Progress has more...

(thanks to Nicole for assistance)

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