O'Reilly Freaks On Jane Hall Over Moyers

Silent Patriot: On "The O'Reilly Factor" last night, BillO accused Moyers of taking his words out of context in order to make an ideolo

Silent Patriot: On "The O'Reilly Factor" last night, BillO accused Moyers of taking his words out of context in order to make an ideological point, then proceeded to take bits and pieces of Moyers' documentary to make....an ideological point. When FOX News Contributor Jane Hall points out that while Moyers probably should have included his preceeding remarks, the clip really is contextual and he was only a small part of an overall important and wonderful documentary, O'Reilly cuts her off and goes ballistic.

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It's really funny how BillO seizes on 8 seconds of a 90 minute documentary to discredit Moyers. Had he watched the entire thing he would know why (a) Moyers is more of a journalist than he will ever be and (b) his portrayal in the film is accurate. I won't hold my breath, though.

John Amato: "O'Reilly has been really losing it more than usual lately. (Remember Geraldo?) Good for Jane Hall. She said Moyers piece was excellent and had nothing to do with O'Reilly. Bill has added a new tactic. Attack those who don't criticize him enough. Why didn't Bill bring up the point that all his other FOX cohorts refused to go on the program like Kristol and his boss Roger Ailes?"

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