Hugh Hewitt's Delusions Continue...
Check out this exchange between Hugh "The Cowardly Lion" Hewitt and Newsweek's Michael Isikoff. It's nothing short of remarkable.
MI: The central argument [for war in Iraq] was weapons of mass destruction.
HH: That was Colin Powell. Again, that's spin. Michael Isikoff, that's spin.
We can debate ideological differences all day long, but we need to have common ground to work off of, which usually consist of things we would call FACTS. With Hugh Hewitt, there are no facts, just SPIN. Now, Hewitt thinks US foreign policy should be run on GUESSES, but when asked to guess, that's SPIN too...
I'll remind Howard Kurtz of Digby's piece describing Hewitt's function for the extreme/Koreshian right of the GOP.
Hewitt stands apart, actually, as being even more craven and unprincipled than the rest. In that way he serves an important purpose for the right. His mere presence in the discourse serves to make people like John Podhoretz and Jonah Goldberg seem like paragons of rectitude by comparison.
People of the center or left who continue to help Hewitt pretend to be a credible person by appearing on his show can no longer be considered credible themselves. By encouraging Hewitt's blatant intellectual corruption they are irrevocably tainted by that intellectual corruption themselves.
So how is Hewitt's pick of Rick Santorum as a Supreme Court Justice doing these day?