Why Does The Washington Post Favor Right Wing Blogs ?

Eric Boehlert has a great post up about the Washington Post ignoring the success of the left wing blogoshere. And the double standard is real. I look

Eric Boehlert has a great post up about the Washington Post ignoring the success of the left wing blogoshere.

And the double standard is real. I looked at how many times the Post has mentioned prominent conservative and liberal bloggers during the last two years. I came up with a list of well-known, and highly-trafficked, online writers from each side of the political spectrum. On the right: Malkin, Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit), Hugh Hewitt, and John Hinderaker (Power Line). On the left: Duncan Black (Eschaton), Jane Hamsher (Firedoglake), Glenn Greenwald (Salon), and John Amato (Crooks and Liars). According to Nexis, the electronic news database, those conservative bloggers have been mentioned by name in a total of 52 Post articles and columns in the last 24 months. By contrast, the liberal bloggers have been referenced by name just 12 times by the Post during the same time frame.

Do we see a pattern here? I did notice that Howard Kurtz has pretty much stopped linking C&L (which is fine by me) since I became more critical of him as far as I've seen. I do know he does link other left wing blogs, but I wonder if their overall silence has anything to do with the Debbie Howell incident?

The right constantly distributes false information as Eric explains in his article, but without any consequences and our real successes go unreported. They could have mentioned that C&L was the first one to post about Rush Limbaugh attacking MJ Fox which turned into a national story.

When Powerline and many right wing blogs smeared the Washington Post over the Terry Schiavo memo and tried to call them frauds, Kurtz and company were caving to the pressure until it was revealed that the Post was accurate. That hasn't stopped the Post from fawning all over them and the Powerline guys are still guests on "Reliable Sources. " Hopefully, this has been just a temporary---two year oversight on their part. I'm sure Boehlert will keep an eye out...

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